Brušperk Information Center
J. Á. Komenského 9, 739 44 Brušperk
Tel. number: 558 666 271
Fax: 558 640 320
- Information on the town and surrounding
- Information on board and lodging, cultural and sport events
- Information on firms, services and organizations
- Information on tourism in the Moravia-Silesia Region and in the Czech Republic
- Information on rail and road traffic, urban mass transportation lines
- Information on offices and institutions
- Program – Partner všech Ostravanů, monthly
- Program – Frýdecko-Místecko, monthly
- Tourist bulletin “Kam po Česku”
Sale of :
- Tickets to local and regional cultural events
- Publication titled “Cestujeme po Moravě a Čechách”
- Tourist and bicycling tourist maps
- Postcards of Brušperk, Beskydy mountains, panorama and 3D postcards of the Beskydy mountains, Czech Republic
- Tourist stamp of Brušperk
- Ceramic souvenirs with a motif of Brušperk
- The book titled “Brušperský rodák V. Martínek”
- The book titled “Brušperské proměny”
- The book titled “Brušperk. Nahlédnutí do historie města”
- DVD on the town Brušperk
- Collections of charges for communal wastes removal
- Bill-posting
- Advertising: on a bill, in Brušperk Bulletin and LTV Brušperk
- Laminating
- Public internet, PC printout
- Fax sending
- Black and white, color reproduction