In 1919, the Brušperk square was named by J. A. Comenius. It is of a trapezoid shape of the size as follows: the northwest side 23.74 m is the shortest, southeast side is 32.7 m long. The lengths of the northeast and southwest sides are identical – 124.64 m. The square is decorated by two sandstone statues. The previous fountain was replaced by a pump in the last century. It served as a potable water source for residents not having their own pumps. It was cancelled after the public water main installation. Also the arcade was changed. Concrete zones replaced some former boulder pavement zones. The arcade was repaved in the second half of the last century, in 1990s. It gained its final appearance following the overhaul in 2001. The common sandstone pavement was made, new lighting was installed, and walls were painted. Also the adjacent sidewalk was reconstructed and paved with small pavement blocks. The whole square in Brušperk with Baroque houses and well preserved former Gothic ground plan, Empire Town Hall, and building dominant of the town, Baroque St. George´s Church, form together a unique architectonic unit called “Lachian Bethlehem“. The historical core of the town is recognized (1992) as a Town Monument Zone.
The municipal house no. 9 retained its former decoration. Its history was moved. In 1871, it was reconstructed serving to cultural purposes – the first National Hall in Moravia. In 1990s, the municipality of Brušperk became its owner. The house was reconstructed into the current appearance.
The house no. 13 kept its former façade as having been ordered by its then owner, weaving stylist and Mayor of the town, and also yeoman of the Brušperk yard in Antonínov at the second half of 18th century, F. Treutler. The Jew Opelhaim, who bought the house, established a liqueur production unit and shop there. It served as the Florists for several years, at present there is a shop with bred, pastry and confectionery.
The house no. 26 is corner, with the entrance from the K Náměstí road. Like other burgher houses, at the past it was decorated by a grandiose gable from the square side. At the beginning of 20th century, Mr. Ludvík and Mrs. Marie Řehánek moved in Brušperk. The municipality became a new owner. Flats were further reconstructed. Following the restitution, the house was returned to its former owner. Also other ground floor premises passed through demanding reconstructions. The pub was replaced by a confectionery, post office, again confectionery, currently the Hruška Grocery. The house comprises 13 flats.
The burgher house no. 40 was the only timber house at the square up to 1909. On 29 March 1896, Brušperk councilors decided to establish a pharmacy in the town. A permit was granted to the municipality on 25 January 1902. The owner and pharmacists changed, but it continued to be up to now a decoration of the square, marked by the establishment year 1910 on its tower. Also the pharmacy with its ancient furniture and name “At God Mother” (U Matky Boží) has been well preserved up to now.
The building of the Town Hall is a significant cultural monument of the town. Its structure was ordered in 1826 by Ludvík Vavroš to serve as a private house for his needs. It gained its present appearance step by step. The foundations of the front corner building area dated back to the end of 18th century. In 1840, the building was bought by the municipality for 5000 guldens. In the same year, also the first monthly meeting of the Board took place in the building. In 1990s, a yard one-floor wing was added to the building. Up to now, the building has passed through numerous adaptations and reconstructions, serving to various purposes. Till 1950, the building has mostly served as the burgher school. Some rooms were utilized by various institutions – Publicity Center, small-sized operation units, town Committee of the Communistic Party, cleaner ´s collection unit, etc. Following further modifications and reconstructions, the Museum of V. Martínek, center cultural establishment, Club of Seniors, Local TV broadcasting unit, contact unit for welfare benefits issue. Currently, in addition to the municipal library, it comprises also a Local TV broadcasting room, Nursery School Club titled “Chickens”, sanitary facilities for a working team of the Municipal Office, municipal archive and flat of the housekeeper.
The Holland type wind mill is situated at the east border of the town behind the cemetery. The mill was built at the beginning of 19th century but its fate is not known till the World War II. In 1941, then owner installed an electric drive and grinding roller in the mill. In 1944, he was imprisoned and executed because of his collaboration with antifascist revolt. The mill equipment was step by step decomposed. The Brušperk wind mill is situated at a nice and dominant landscape in a view from the north, from the Ostrava direction. Unfortunately, from the south it is hidden by a building of the church above Brušperk and alley at the cemetery. Recently, the devastated mill, long time already without a wheel and blades, was sold, currently it is adapted to a residential unit; former plasters are reconstructed, and a stylish entrance extension is built to the mill. The mill in Brušperk can serve as a pattern example how such forgotten and devastated buildings can be utilized.
The hill called St. Marcus, 312 m above the sea level, is the highest site in Brušperk. He was given its name by a wayside shrine, square column with a roof and cross. The walls include recesses with portraits of Evangelists. In the direction towards the town, to the north, a portrait of St. Marcus, and portraits of other Saints, John, Lucas and Matthew, to other cardinal points. We do not know when the chapel was built, however, based on records, we can find that worships were taken there, processions came from the town and surrounding. By time, all that focused on worshipping of the town patron St. George, to the date of 24 April, when a traditional Brušperk wake takes place. St. Marcus is still a favorable destination of walking, offering a beautiful look on the town, Beskydy mountains, and surrounding landscape. Inspiration to his compositions was found there by Jožka Matěj, Zdeněk Neuwirt celebrated that site in his verses. For years, the chapel was cared of by Mr. Rudolf Krompolc. Wood figures of Evangelists, which were made based on the order by pharmacist Karel Šudich and other well-doers by a wood-carver from Kozlovice, decorated the monument till 1950s, when they were damaged. The devastating wayside shrine looked sadly to the landscape. Despite efforts by a Brušperk businessman to repair the column and set new portraits in 1996, 1997, the repair has not been executed. Preparatory works to its repair started in 2000. Benches are available to provide rest to tourists and cyclists.
It is situated in the east direction, at a hill above the square. The building is a cultural monument of Grade 2. The church foundations were made probably in 1267, i.e. two years prior to a particular town foundation, to dominate the settlement as a whole. It was surely completed in 1305. The church structure indicates various architectural styles, starting from Romanian features up to Baroque and Classicism. The building is very large and indented. The main portal is stone-Gothic. Two rotund type chapels were added on both sides of the church in the period from 1744 to 1774. One of them is devoted to St. Laurence, the other one to St. Francis Seraphic. The floor in the church is made from artificial stone; a tower is situated above the main entrance, which is ended by a Baroque cupola with two lanterns. The church comprises totally seven altars. The tower comprises three big bells, passing bell and former sanctus bell from 1687 with the inscription: „Gott allein Die Ehre“ – tuned to D3 tone. Tower stairs were built in 1765. Formerly a cemetery, later liquidated, surrounded the church.
A pillar wall with fourteen chapels of the stations of the Cross is made on a rectangular ground plan around the St. George ´s Church, dated back to the end of 18 century. Chapel facades are divided by pilasters with string course heads. Longitudinal recesses with funicular arches are provided in the face. The triangular gable comprises a wood Latin cross. They are painted on zinc plate. Formerly, a cemetery was placed around the church.
The former sandstone of St. John of Nepomuk was built in 1736 on the order of Brušperk vicar Lukáš Červenka and Místek provost Kristián Josef Pašek. Formerly, the statue was situated in front of the house number 8; when the square was reconstructed in 1901, the statue was moved to the house number 39. The statue was conserved and restored several times. Particularly, in 1932, 1952, 1969 and in 1974. In 1994, a copy of the plastics of St. John of Nepomuk was created by Miroslav Rybička from Jistebník. At the same time, it was moved from the house number 39 closer to the square center. It was hallowed ceremonially by Bishop Josef Hrdlička on 23 April 1994.
Another beautifully cut statue of The Holly Trinity is partially hidden by a grown beech from one side, and maple from the other side. The statue is more robust and higher than the statue of St. John of Nepomuk. It is dated back to 1761, from the era of control of Maria Theresa, who introduced a common literary language, German, to her countries. A legend is related to this establishment. Based on it, cry could be heard and light could be seen from a cellar of the house number 33. Therefore, burghers considered there were ghosts that could not find the calm. In order to help them, they decided to put a statue of the God Father in front of the house. As soon as they started to put it there, ghosts disappeared.
A statue of St. Florián is situated on two stone stairs, low square pedestal and pedestal with flat volutes on sides, ended by a profiled molding.
The statue of St. Hostýn Virgin Mary is located on a square pedestal situated on a several level pedestal.
The statues are situated on square columns next to the staircase to the church.
The chapel is situated at the K Svaté vodě road, opposite to the house number 748. The bricked chapel was built in 1890 – 1891 at a place of a wood chapel. It was consecrated by Místek vicar P. Vincenc Falta on 31 May 1891.
It is placed in Borošín, above the water reservoir between the houses number 679 and number 680. It is a small bricked building of a folk character dated back to the first half of 19th century.
This chapel is situated at the crossing of several field ways – to the wayside shrine of St. Marcus, to Fryčovice, and to Trnávka. It is not known when the chapel was built, however, a symbol of a sacral structure is indicated in the map of the first military mapping.
A small building of a rectangular ground plan dates back to the first half of 18th century; it passed through some reconstructions later. The chapel is located at the Fryčovická road, between the houses no. 111 and no. 112, on an elevated place between two houses; the access to it is available by several stairs.
A small building on a longitudinal ground plan, the front section includes a quadratic tower, bell tower, with three window recesses on sides. The chapel is situated in Antonínov, beside the house number 625.
The present owners restored a chapel at the birth house of the music composer Jožka Matěj, formerly having been a part of a bam wall. The chapel is built in the garden of the house, and a former polychrome-plated statue of St. Ann is situated there.
It is situated by a road leading to the Staroveská road, at the fence of the house number 310. Crosses of that type were used to be called Cyril and Method crosses. In the surrounding of Brušperk, other two similar crosses can be found, one of them situated in nearby Trnávka, the other one nearby Starý Jičín. Its origination is probably related to some crime since it is a so-called conciliatory cross.
The cross is situated in a small bull-corner by a road leading to the Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel.
In 1870, a wood cross was built at a site called “At Big Foot Bridges“.
In 1865, a cattle plague fulminated in Brušperk. The owner of the estate, Rudolf Hrubý, closed his yard to prevent anybody from any entering and leaving. The whole cattle perished at more farmers, however, Hrubý lost any piece. His mother-in-law Marie ordered a stone cross to be built at the yard as expression of their gratitude.
The Baroque stone cross is dated back to 1774.